Sunday, July 28, 2013

All your good wishes, hopes and thoughts and prayers are working....

Hi again to all after a little hiatus.  Jill had an appointment with her surgeon, Dr. SamYoon on Friday.   He is pleased with her progress and advised about increasing activity level and gradually advancing her diet.  She is healing up very well on the surface and presumably internally as well.

Dr. Yoon again explained and diagrammed the surgery; he and we are pleased with the result.  The final pathology reported no residual tumor around the site of removal which is the best news of all.  Because the tumor tissue not destroyed by the preoperative chemotherapy has a high rate of cell replication (mitotic index),  continuing with chemotherapy is recommended for at least 3 years if tolerated. 

We have been out to brunch for oatmeal at the Pain Quotidean which just opened nearby.  Walks by the East River and fresh air pauses on the park benches along the way have been very therapeutic.  Since the rest of the story will unfold slowly and be hopefully far less dramatic,  this will be the last entry to Jill's Health Blog.  Thanks again for following this adventure along with us.  So far the story has a happy ending and we are very grateful to Josh K and Alex for coming to see us almost every day, to the Schlossbergs for inviting us to stay at their apartment and for the support we have received from all of you guys as well as for the superb care from the staff at MSKCC.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

More good news

Dear Friends and Family,

Jill is slowly and steadily improving.  The surgical incision pain is uncomfortable and troublesome but no longer requiring Percocet.  Alimentation is mainly liquid and very limited while the only interesting addition to report is eggs over easy or today, scrambled.  Rice pudding has been banished from the menu. She is reading some and watching news or a movie and even Bachelorette reality show on TV.  Once daily walks have been short and tiring but important to enhance breathing and circulation.  We are fortunate being so close to the beautiful Carl Schurz Park and the East River.
Reports will no longer be daily as you may have noticed.  Doctor's appointment is on Friday for check-up and travel advice.

Cheers and thanks for checking in.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

The last little poke

Hi to all with more good news,

Jill is overall feeling stronger with the expected ups and downs yesterday and last night.  Many big events include removal of the epidural spinal pain medicine device yesterday and awakening of her slumbering gastro-intestinal tract which both of which are good news but don't feel so great.  The most glorious feel good moment of yesterday was, of course, Jill's first shower since arrival on Mon.  Percocet is helping some but sleeping is more of a challenge now that the pain catheter is gone.

The last IV needle was just removed, (just a little poke) and the hospital discharge order signed by the surgical oncology fellow on call.  So off we go this morning to the Schlossberg's apartment on East End Ave. for freedom and convalescence.  Looking forward to walks by the East River and strolling in Carl Schurz Park down to Gracie Mansion and back especially if yesterday's temperatures of 98 settle down as predicted with rain today.

It has been an interesting experience seeing all this from the other side of being a patient's spouse as you can imagine.  We are certainly grateful that things are turning out so well.  Thanks so much for all the encouragement and support.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

The postoperative routine #3

Hi again to all you devoted and interested parties:

Jill is less exhausted, more awake by far and having somewhat less pain today.  She has graduated from ice cubes to liquids including Jello (j-e-l-l-o), sherbert (in a cup) and broth.  The sips of deli chicken soup that Josh brought were a delicacy.  Alex came by bike for an early morning visit on the way to work and Josh was here this afternoon.
Watching movies on the I-Pad was a treat today.  A command grand total of 14 laps around the 19th floor while pushing the IV pole were recorded with glances at the very interesting gallery of wonderful B & W classic photos on the walls was a real accomplishment.
So, in general, Jill's Health is improving and healing is progressing at its own pace.  Possible discharge from the hospital by Sat. has been mentioned but the exact date is to be announced as the situation evolves.
Hardly minded hanging out indoors in the air conditioning today with temps up to 97 in NYC.  Steamy summer in the Big Apple.

Cheers,    Phil

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

News for Wednesday second postop is good

Hi again to all,
Jill is doing reasonably well.  She has had moderately severe pain at times that does respond to the epidural spinal route for pain medication which then leaves her drowsy and sleepy most of the day.  Mild fever due to lung congestion is better with using the breatholizer.  She has been out walking in the hall and up in the chair.  Too tired to read or for visitors today, but Alex, Ian, Josh K and Michael Silbert are hoping she is up for company tomorrow.  We watched the evening news and a PBS documentary on the making of  Born to be Free about Elsa the Lioness  so the anesthetic induced lethargy seems to be resolving.
That's about all the news that is fit to print for now.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Report for the first day after

Hi again from high above NYC overlooking the East River almost at the top of  Memorial sloan Kettering Cancer Center: Its very hot and summery here in the 90's looking out under blue skies...and much cooler inside.

Jill's health is improving.  She has been up walking several times today.  In fact, she was out of the room for a stroll when I got here at 9AM.  The incision is moderately painful, but the epidural spine catheter delivers pain medication when she pushes the button that is quite helpful.  She can have ice and sips of water, but no chicken soup yet.  She is cheerful, chatty and delighted with the outcome of her surgery.
She needs oxygen still and is using the blow-in-the tube machine to help with lung congestion.  Dropping blood pressure has been a problem probably due to the pain medication dosage which has been reduced to avoid that but now the incision hurts more.  She feels tired enough to doze but has been up out of bed in the chair most of the day finishing a crossword, reading the paper and visiting with me, Josh, Hyatt, nephew Daniel, and brother John.
Healing is starting slowly and the news is all good.

Thanks again for all the messages, good thoughts and wonderful support.
