Sunday, July 28, 2013

All your good wishes, hopes and thoughts and prayers are working....

Hi again to all after a little hiatus.  Jill had an appointment with her surgeon, Dr. SamYoon on Friday.   He is pleased with her progress and advised about increasing activity level and gradually advancing her diet.  She is healing up very well on the surface and presumably internally as well.

Dr. Yoon again explained and diagrammed the surgery; he and we are pleased with the result.  The final pathology reported no residual tumor around the site of removal which is the best news of all.  Because the tumor tissue not destroyed by the preoperative chemotherapy has a high rate of cell replication (mitotic index),  continuing with chemotherapy is recommended for at least 3 years if tolerated. 

We have been out to brunch for oatmeal at the Pain Quotidean which just opened nearby.  Walks by the East River and fresh air pauses on the park benches along the way have been very therapeutic.  Since the rest of the story will unfold slowly and be hopefully far less dramatic,  this will be the last entry to Jill's Health Blog.  Thanks again for following this adventure along with us.  So far the story has a happy ending and we are very grateful to Josh K and Alex for coming to see us almost every day, to the Schlossbergs for inviting us to stay at their apartment and for the support we have received from all of you guys as well as for the superb care from the staff at MSKCC.



  1. We couldn't be more pleased to hear the wonderful news. Continue your healing in N.Y. Jill, and one of these days we'll be delivering soup and sustenance to you in S.F.

    Love and hugs to you both,

    Jeanne and Martin

  2. SOOO HAPPY to hear the good news! Your updates have been so helpful, informative and Loving! Keep up the great healing! all our Love oxox Jorge & Betsy

  3. Just great that the terrific good news continues!!! Seems like the best possible result.
    Love you both. Rich & Ann

    1. Dear Jill and Phil,
      May the restful healing continue filled with lightness and love!
      Hope to see you on your return to SF!

      Sending healing energy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      Michael Moore
