Thursday, July 18, 2013

The postoperative routine #3

Hi again to all you devoted and interested parties:

Jill is less exhausted, more awake by far and having somewhat less pain today.  She has graduated from ice cubes to liquids including Jello (j-e-l-l-o), sherbert (in a cup) and broth.  The sips of deli chicken soup that Josh brought were a delicacy.  Alex came by bike for an early morning visit on the way to work and Josh was here this afternoon.
Watching movies on the I-Pad was a treat today.  A command grand total of 14 laps around the 19th floor while pushing the IV pole were recorded with glances at the very interesting gallery of wonderful B & W classic photos on the walls was a real accomplishment.
So, in general, Jill's Health is improving and healing is progressing at its own pace.  Possible discharge from the hospital by Sat. has been mentioned but the exact date is to be announced as the situation evolves.
Hardly minded hanging out indoors in the air conditioning today with temps up to 97 in NYC.  Steamy summer in the Big Apple.

Cheers,    Phil


  1. Phil,
    Thanks so very much for the daily updates. We are thrilled that Jill continues to do so well in her recovery. Please give her a hug from us and tell her we send our love, Also tell her that Sandy says hi and sends her love as well.
    Ann and Don

  2. Sounds like Jill is moving smartly in the right direction! Soon Phil will need an abacus to keep track of the laps. Hope the progress continues at an accelerating pace today. Thinking of you both with much love. Ann & Rich

  3. Jill, still the athlete!! Keep up the great progress! Are Love and thoughts are with you both xoox Jorge and Betsy

  4. Hi! Glad to hear you're improving. Me, too. Can't wait to talk to you. Love, love, love

  5. We are so happy about your surgery, and continue to petition the gods with pain-banishing, strength-building, smile-inducing prayers.

    Sending lots of love from Martha's Vineyard. We're on the road to West Virginia tomorrow and excited to stay in the loop of your recovery!

    XO Chazzy, Pumpkin, Poppy and Tom
