Wednesday, July 17, 2013

News for Wednesday second postop is good

Hi again to all,
Jill is doing reasonably well.  She has had moderately severe pain at times that does respond to the epidural spinal route for pain medication which then leaves her drowsy and sleepy most of the day.  Mild fever due to lung congestion is better with using the breatholizer.  She has been out walking in the hall and up in the chair.  Too tired to read or for visitors today, but Alex, Ian, Josh K and Michael Silbert are hoping she is up for company tomorrow.  We watched the evening news and a PBS documentary on the making of  Born to be Free about Elsa the Lioness  so the anesthetic induced lethargy seems to be resolving.
That's about all the news that is fit to print for now.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Jill and Phil, So sorry about the pain but seems the epidural is helping. We just do not like to see our wonderful Jill suffer. Sending our love everyday for Jill's recovery. You both are being very brave!! With many kisses and hugs, Rich, Ann and PU
