Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Report for the first day after

Hi again from high above NYC overlooking the East River almost at the top of  Memorial sloan Kettering Cancer Center: Its very hot and summery here in the 90's looking out under blue skies...and much cooler inside.

Jill's health is improving.  She has been up walking several times today.  In fact, she was out of the room for a stroll when I got here at 9AM.  The incision is moderately painful, but the epidural spine catheter delivers pain medication when she pushes the button that is quite helpful.  She can have ice and sips of water, but no chicken soup yet.  She is cheerful, chatty and delighted with the outcome of her surgery.
She needs oxygen still and is using the blow-in-the tube machine to help with lung congestion.  Dropping blood pressure has been a problem probably due to the pain medication dosage which has been reduced to avoid that but now the incision hurts more.  She feels tired enough to doze but has been up out of bed in the chair most of the day finishing a crossword, reading the paper and visiting with me, Josh, Hyatt, nephew Daniel, and brother John.
Healing is starting slowly and the news is all good.

Thanks again for all the messages, good thoughts and wonderful support.



  1. Wonderful news!!!!! Thinking about you guys yesterday and Sunday and now happily today. Good luck with the recovery road. Calvin and Hobbes is good for the low moments, if they come along. Kisses, Naomi

  2. so happy for you and Phil and your family and me and Dick and my family. Sam called this morning. She didn't yet know the good news and broke out into tears of joy when she heard. Dick wants to know when you're coming home so we can visit. He's becoming more adept in the kitchen and at filling out insurance forms. We all love you.
    Sister Sheila

  3. Dear Jill and Phil,

    We are so happy the news is so good. You have all our best wishes for an easy healing process, Jill dear.

    Love and hugs,

    Nancy and Gene

  4. So thrilled. You are on my mind! This is incredible news.

  5. Just keeping track..... (from Davenport, IA) and like all your many friends and admirers thrilled with the great results and progress. Love you, Ann & Rich

  6. Terrific news!!!...LOVE...RITA

  7. We're very happy that Jill is doing so well. Love, Wendy and Doug

  8. Dear Jill and Phil,
    Good to read that all is going well. As much as I love hospitals, here is to getting out as soon as possible!
    Thinking of you,
